1. Child’s health card
2. Child’s unabridged birth certificate from RSA Home
Affairs (if available);
3. Mother’s Zimbabwean birth certificate
4. Mother’s Zimbabwean identity document (ID)
5. Mother’s Zimbabwean passport
6. Father’s Zimbabwean birth certificate
7. Father’s Zimbabwean ID
8. Father’s Zimbabwean passport
9. Marriage certificate (where applicable).
A single mother can also apply for the child’s birth certificate by producing originals and uncertified copies of her documents as stated above
Cost: R100.00
1.Original long birth certificate and uncertified photocopy
2. Identity document photocopy (if available)
3. Two identical colour photographs
4. Expired/Current/Lost passport and uncertified photocopy
You can now apply or renew your birth certificate or national ID using this official portal.